(2502109) Seed Ideas (30 Minute Video consultation) with Lizzie Fraher - 28th February 2025 - 8-8.30am.
(2502109) Seed Ideas (30 Minute Video consultation) with Lizzie Fraher - 28th February 2025 - 8-8.30am.
Lizzie Fraher is a featured Architect on BBC Two's Your Home Made Perfect and believes that we all deserve better spaces. Fraher and Findlay Architects work on projects in inner London, but it's important to us that more people have access to good design and Architectural Services.
These consultations are designed as an ideas springboard for your project after which you can move forward with your local design and construction team.
You are purchasing a 30 mins video call consultation with Lizzie + 1 hour drawing and review time, £400 + VAT (£480 total).
During the call we can discuss your project for 30 mins, and we use the remaining time to draw up a sketch plan and briefing document for you to take away. You will also receive a voice recording explaining the proposed layout. These will be emailed to you after your consultation.
After purchasing you will receive a calendar invite with your Google Meet link and link to a form to fill out your project details including:
- Address of the Property
- Wish list of works in order of priority
- Budget
- Plans and photos.
- Any thoughts you might have for the project already.
We will need these details at least a week in advance of your call, further details can be sent to consultations@fraherandfindlay.com.